The Manila Times

IT solutions integrator rebrands with new logo

A LOCAL IT solutions integrator rebrands with a new logo, a new way of dealing with clients, a new way of looking at the market, and a new way of looking into client needs.

Radenta Technologies has made a name for itself in the ind”stry in a short span of time.

The IT sol”tions integrator has forged strong partnerships with some of the biggest players like Microsoft, Oracle, VmWare, Zimbra, Amazon Web Services, Suse, Acronis, Microfocus, VMware, Nagios, Cisco and HP Enterprise.

“It is about creativity and creative thinking,” said Randall Lozano, president of Radenta Technologies, during the company’s recent 7th-anniversary event. “This is what will move us to the next level as we try to be more customer-focused, making our customers happier, making our employees happier.”

Lozano added that there is no secret to the company’s continued growth. “There is no secret; the only thing I know is happiness; if the customers are happy and the people are happy, we have success.”

These collaborations led to the introduction of a diverse suite of solutions for different industries and business concerns. The tech integrator also offers its very own homegrown G Series hyperconnectivity bundle suited for government offices comprising of Grips or Global Resource Integrated Planning System, Gears or Global Emergency Assistance and Response System, Grids or Global Reconnaissance and Intelligent Defense System and Hemp or Human Empowerment Equals Happy Employees.

Lozano enjoined his team to always be in the present and to accept the challenge of change, to become better, more intelligent, and more progressive. It is not just having a new logo, he explained, it is having a new way of dealing with clients, a new way of looking at the market and a new way of looking into client needs. More than that, it is to have the cognizance to raise the bar not just to reach the level of competition but even to surpass it.

“The company’s vision is clear, to become the leader in the transformation of ubiquitous IT solutions. Its mission is spread out in short and impactful sentences. To be a globally acclaimed IT solutions provider that would help clients in their business transformation. To provide business tranquility to business enterprises by bringing seamless operations into their IT systems,” said the executive.

Sunday Business & It




The Manila Times