The Manila Times



MOMS are busy, juggling multiple things at the same time — from managing her household to her business to her personal “me time.”

But why do we have such a special day as Mother’s Day? The actual observance of this day grew from a modest beginning in 1872 as a day dedicated to peace. On May 9, 1914 then President Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution of Congress commending its observance. The next year the president was authorized to declare Mother’s Day as a day of national observance, and it has been a national custom to this day.

But the honoring of motherhood is not of man, but of God. We honor mothers, not because of a Congressional resolution, but because of a divine teaching. We honor mothers, not just one day of the year, but throughout the year. In ancient times, as today, motherhood was considered a great and special blessing. God commanded through Moses, “Honor thy father and thy mother…” (Exodus 20:12)

TODAY IS A fiTTING DAY TO GIVE TRIBUTE TO THE QUEEN of our home and our hearts. Here are some tips to consider in making the number one woman in our lives happy and loved amid the pandemic.

Let her share her favorite stories

If you live with your mother and following protocols, treat her to a different celebration by letting her share some of her favorite stories even if she’s told them before. Be sure that all of you are wearing your masks to protect her and all of the members of the family. An online celebration would be great too.

Offer physical support

You can also show your love by helping your Mom clean her home or preparing her to doctor appointments through tele-consult or online consulting. We should make sure our Moms are always well-cared for as best as we can. Sometimes, our Moms spend their most productive years caring for us, and now we get to return the favor and care for them.

Cook dinner for her

Cook her favorite meal for her and your wife with THE HELP OF YOUR KIDS. GIVE THEM BOTH flOWERS AND TREAT THEM LIKE QUEENS. IF SHE’S NOT WITH YOU, COOK AND SEND IT WITH flOWERS AND CALL HER TOO TO MAKE sure she received them and tell her you love her.

Mom’s wisdom is the best

We honor our mothers when we seek their wisdom through life’s twists and turns. The bible says it all, age comes with accumulated, greater wisdom. We can lean on them for understanding and seek their input when faced with major decisions. It honors our Moms when we seek their help.

Remember her every day not only on Mother’s Day

Yes, many of us are good in giving her gifts on her birthday, Mother’s Day, and Christmas Day, but what about the other days of the year? Be creative in showing her love every day whether she’s with you or she’s living in the province or in other country. Use the new technology to connect with her every day. It will surely make her very happy and feel loved.

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The Manila Times